Neuroscience in Robotic Technologies | Making Robots as Smart as Humans

In the Endeavor to assemble versatile and keen machines, roboticists have viewed neuroscience for the greater part of a century as a wellspring of motivation for discernment and control. All the more as of late, neuroscientists have turned to robots for testing theories and approving models of organic sensory systems. Here, we give an outline of the work at the convergence of advanced mechanics and neuroscience and feature the most encouraging methodologies and zones where connections between the two fields have produced critical new experiences. 

We articulate the work in three segments, invertebrate, vertebrate, and primate neuroscience. We contend that robots create important understanding into the capacity of sensory systems, which is personally connected to conduct and encapsulation and that cerebrum-motivated calculations and gadgets give robots life-like abilities. 

Astute robots are social specialists that self-governing collaborate with their current circumstances through sensors, actuators, and a control framework creating engine activities from tactile information. Strangely, what is today viewed as the principal independent robot was implicit in the mid-1950s by neurophysiologist William Gray Walter, to show that unpredictable, reason driven practices can be created by barely any interconnected neuron-like simple electronic gadgets that nearby the circle among discernment and activity in an arranged and exemplified framework? 

Along this line of thought, after thirty years the neuroanatomist Valentino Braitenberg considered a progression of nonexistent vehicles with straightforward sensors and wirings motivated by general properties of sensory systems and contended that the subsequent social intricacy began from the association with the climate as opposed to from the intricacy of the cerebrum, and that customary examination of sensory systems can gain from the 'union' (development) of conduct frameworks. 

Surely, sensory systems can't be perceived in disconnection from body and conduct, because actual properties (mass, springs, transient deferrals, grating, and so on) fundamentally adjust the social impacts of neural signals and influence the co-advancement and co-improvement of minds and bodies. Subsequently, it has been contended that understanding minds requires the joint examination and blend of important pieces of the body, climate, and neural frameworks.

 Understanding engine control requires understanding a progression of explicit changes from neural signs to musculoskeletal frameworks to the climate where the intricacy of creature bodies may rearrange, rather than muddling, control. In this specific circumstance, robots joining the biomechanics of the creature framework under examination become actual models to test speculations. In the accompanying segments, we will inspect how much neuroscience and advanced mechanics have brought about novel experiences and gadgets in the particular fields of spineless creatures, vertebrates, and primates. 

Neurorobotics, a consolidated investigation of neuroscience, advanced mechanics, and man-made brainpower, is the science and innovation of typified self-sufficient neural frameworks. Neural frameworks incorporate mind enlivened calculations (for example connectionist organizations), computational models of natural neural organizations (for example counterfeit spiking neural organizations, enormous scope recreations of neural microcircuit), and genuine natural frameworks (for example in vivo and in vitro neural nets). 

Such neural frameworks can be encapsulated in machines with specialists or some other types of actual incitation. This incorporates robots, prosthetic or wearable frameworks yet in addition, a more limited size, miniature machines, and, at the bigger scopes, furniture, and foundations. 

Neurorobotics is that part of neuroscience with advanced mechanics, which manages the examination and use of science and innovation of typified self-sufficient neural frameworks like mind enlivened calculations. At its center, neurorobotics depends on the possibility that the cerebrum is typified and the body is inserted in the climate. In this manner, most neurorobotics are needed to work in reality, rather than in a reenacted environment. 

Neurorobotics addresses the two-front way to deal with the investigation of knowledge. Neuroscience endeavors to observe what insight comprises of and how it functions by exploring smart organic frameworks, while the investigation of man-made brainpower endeavors to reproduce knowledge through non-natural, or fake methods. Neurorobotics is the cover of the two, where organically propelled speculations are tried in a grounded climate, with actual execution of the said model. The victories and disappointments of neurorobotics and the model it is worked from can give proof to invalidate or uphold that hypothesis, and give knowledge for future examination. 


Creepy crawly conduct to a great extent relies upon outside incitement of the perceptual device, which triggers fundamental responses like fascination and avoidance. Versatile robots have been regularly used to comprehend the neural underpinnings of cabs, development towards or away from a boost source. For instance, Webb and Scutt turned to a versatile robot furnished with a bio-mimetic respective acoustic device to disambiguate between two diverse neuronal models of cricket phonotaxis whereby females can separate and move toward conspecific guys that produce species-explicit tunes. 

The creators showed that two spiking neurons imitating the transient coding properties of recognized hear-able neurons were adequate to duplicate an enormous assortment of phonotactic practices saw in genuine crickets, supporting the theory that acknowledgment and limitation of a singing cricket don't need two separate neuronal components. 

Chemotactic conduct of spineless creatures has been concentrated in an assortment of settings. For instance, Grasso et al. utilized a submerged robot to test and separate between various neuroethological speculations of how lobsters identify and explore the wellspring of a substance crest in tempestuous water. The robot was intended to precisely show the element of the lobster and its substance sensor format, while the headway framework was disconnected as a couple of wheels. Additionally, Pyk et al. utilized haggled robots furnished with bio-mimetic compound sensors to misrepresent a neuronal theory of moth chemotactic conduct and propose elective speculation. 

Robots have additionally been utilized to explore the neural systems that permit flying creepy crawlies to explore in complex conditions with a compound eye profoundly not the same as vertebrate eyes, highlighting coarse spatial goal, fixed center, and practically complete absence of stereovision. Models of those neural components have additionally prompted the improvement of vision-based control of robot drones flying close to the ground or in jumbled conditions. 

Creepy crawlies depend on picture movement created by their own development to keep away from hindrances, control speed and scope, pursue, departure, and land 12, 13. There is a numerical correspondence between the plentifulness of picture movement, otherwise called optic stream, and the distance to relating objects when the watcher interprets on a straight line, however not when it turns. It has been conjectured that uninhibitedly flying flies follow straight lines hindered by quick turns, during which visual signs are stifled, to appraise distances utilizing translational optic stream. 

This speculation was tried by Franceschini, Pichon, Blanès, and Brady, utilizing a wheeled robot furnished with a roundabout exhibit of compound eyes, whose simple hardware copied the rudimentary movement identification hardware of visual neurons. This robot could perform crash-free routes in a jumbled climate by moving along straight lines hindered by sharp evasion revolutions during which visual data was disregarded. 

In another examination, Srinivasan et al. contended that as the rakish speed of the picture projected on the ventral side of the bug is corresponding to the proportion between even speed and tallness, creepy crawlies manage their speed by keeping a steady picture movement, which brings about agile deceleration during landing. The speculation that a straightforward system of optic stream guidelines could be utilized to control height and arriving without expressly estimating the distance to the ground was approved with helicopters outfitted with two fake ommatidia pointing towards the ground.

 A similar optic stream controller was then demonstrated to be viable to repeat an assortment of different practices saw in bugs, for example, landscape following and passage focusing. It has additionally been shown that optic stream guideline of impact free route and elevation control in indoor and open-air free-flying robots can be accomplished by making roll and pitch points subject to two weighted amounts of optic stream powers — a basic activity that could be cultivated by wide-field visual neurons in the lobule Plata complex of the bug mind. In fact, Humbert et al. proposed the theory that wide-field unrelated cells in the visual arrangement of bugs are not used to gauge self-movement, as recently contended, yet to distinguish disparities among wanted and noticed optic stream and utilize these errors to address route in an input circle. 

The creators effectively tried this speculation on a miniature helicopter utilizing simple extremely enormous scope combination (VLSI) sensors and models of the extraneous neurons flying in finished conditions.

Creepy crawly compound eyes have additionally enlivened the advancement of novel kinds of minuscule cameras fit for unrivaled fields of view with no precise bending. As of late, two distinct plans of small-scale counterfeit compound eyes have been proposed. Melody et al. portrayed a hemispherical compound eye consolidating elastomeric compound optics with deformable varieties of flimsy silicon photodetectors that could be molded into a half circle to get wide-field pictures. Floreano et al. rather depicted a semi-round and hollow compound eye made of a layer of compound optics, a layer of neuromorphic photodetectors with self-changing light affectability, and a layer of sign handling gadgets that can extricate optic stream significantly quicker than the bug. 

A compound eye made out of three ocelli has been added to a creepy-crawly measured flying robot to approve the speculation that a few bugs may utilize visual data, rather than precise speed increases, to settle flight 


The huge assortment of headway procedures saw in bugs roused a few kinds of motion frameworks in robots, like peristalsis, bouncing, flying, and strolling on water 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, to make reference to a couple. Nonetheless, the greater part of the examination in this space actually centers around the mechanical parts of the headway framework, and a moderately couple of creators have wandered into neurally enlivened control of these robots. 

Izquierdo and Beer researched a neuronal circuit got from neuroanatomical imperatives of the Caenorhabditis elegans connectome in a reenacted worm body and climate and utilized fake advancement to foresee obscure electrophysiological boundaries of the sensory system important to produce worm-like developments of klinotaxis. Developed people uncovered steady neurophysiological and standards of conduct, which provoked the creators to propose a progression of new examinations, like a superior investigation of turning as an element of slope and removal of explicit neurons. 

Some hexapod robots have been created to comprehend tactile engine control of legged spineless creatures and address, for example, inquiries of how rhythms are produced either by focal example generators, for example, frameworks of coupled neural oscillators that have been found in numerous spineless creatures, or by chains of reflexes. These robots range from robots with legs that have just two levels of opportunity to approve hypotheses of fundamental stride control 31, 33, to robots with legs that catch biomechanical properties of genuine cockroaches, right to robots with legs outfitted with pneumatic fake muscles that could be straightforwardly determined by the electrical movement of the neuromuscular arrangement of the bug. 

Curiously, every robot was intended to address a particular inquiry raised by errors between the bug and the past rendition of the robot, uncovering the convenience of robots in creating new bits of knowledge into the working of the sensory system. 

Ayers et al. built up a bio-mimetic lobster robot whose legs were actuated by counterfeit muscles that delivered developments like those of the creature and utilized it to propose speculations of neuronal control for which neuroscience information is not accessible. In another investigation, Spagna et al. contended that creepy crawlies needed to quickly stroll over unpredictable territory depend on disseminated mechanical criticism to settle instead of on neuronal input (which doesn't have adequate transmission capacity) and showed that apparition crabs outfitted with prosthetic and consistent spines on their legs could really improve their normal strolling capacities. 

To additionally verify the theory that neural control doesn't assume a part in those circumstances, they altered the legs of a hexapod robot, yet not its control framework, too inexact the biomechanics of the changed crab legs and tracked down that the robot improved its strolling abilities. 

Neurorobotics are frequently used to contemplate engine criticism and control frameworks and have demonstrated their legitimacy in creating regulators for robots. Movement is demonstrated by various neurologically motivated hypotheses on the activity of engine frameworks. Headway control has been emulated utilizing models or focal example generators, clusters of neurons fit for driving redundant conduct, to make four-legged strolling robots. 

Other gatherings have extended joining simple control frameworks into a progressive arrangement of basic self-governing frameworks. These frameworks can form complex developments from a blend of these simple subsets. This hypothesis of engine activity depends on the association of cortical segments, which logically coordinate from straightforward tangible contribution to perplexing afferent signs, or from complex engine projects to basic controls for each muscle fiber in efferent signs, shaping a comparative progressive construction. 

Another technique for engine control utilizes learned blunder remedy and prescient controls to frame such a recreated muscle memory. In this model, abnormal, irregular, and blunder inclined developments are amended for utilizing mistake input to create smooth and precise developments over the long haul. The regulator figures out how to make the right control signal by anticipating the blunder. Utilizing these thoughts, robots have been planned which can figure out how to deliver versatile arm movements or to stay away from deterrents in a course. 

Path Tracing

Robots have likewise been utilized to examine higher 'psychological abilities' of spineless creatures, for example, spatial memory. A few bugs can discover their home or rummaging region in the wake of going for many meters or extensive stretches of time. The generally acknowledged 'preview model'  accepts that creepy crawlies process the homing heading by looking at the retinal places of tourist spots in direction changed depictions of their visual encompassing taken at various stretches. Nonetheless, this model requires the sensory system to take part in serious calculations and can't clarify trial results where segments of the milestones were taken out among active and return trips of bugs. 

A more stingy form of the depiction model named the 'normal milestone vector (ALV) model', was as of late proposed and tried with versatile robots. This model accepts that the bug addresses each visual milestone as a unit vector and that all milestone vectors distinguished at a position have arrived at the midpoint of delivering an ALV. 

The bug retains just the objective ALV and during the return way ceaselessly creates another homing vector by registering the distinction between the at present apparent ALV and the remembered target ALV. As in the depiction model, the current ALV should be adjusted to the objective ALV through a compass before figuring the home vector. At the point when tried in an assortment of mimicked and genuine robots, remembering executions for neural enlivened simple gadgets 42, 43, the ALV model delivered directions that are equivalent (albeit not indistinguishable) from the first preview model and furthermore imitated personal conduct standards that the first depiction model couldn't clarify. 

Different creators have proposed that rather than an ALV the climate can be addressed as an associated diagram where hubs are all-encompassing depictions taken at explicit areas and edges are engine orders that lead the creepy-crawly or robot to other associated areas through way coordination. Elective speculation dependent on picture insights gathered by a portable robot recommends that bugs may remember a preview of the objective area and picked developments toward the path that limits the root mean square mistake between the current picture and the picture taken at the objective area, which has been demonstrated to be a monotonically diminishing capacity of distance from the objective. 

Learning and memory frameworks 

Robots intended to test speculations of creature memory frameworks. Numerous investigations presently analyze the memory arrangement of rodents, especially the rodent hippocampus, managing place cells, which fire for a particular area that has been learned. Systems displayed after the rodent hippocampus are by and large ready to learn mental guides of the climate, including perceiving milestones and partner practices with them, permitting them to anticipate the forthcoming deterrents and landmarks.

Another examination has delivered a robot dependent on the proposed learning worldview of outbuilding owls for direction and confinement dependent on basically hear-able, yet additionally visual improvements. The theorized strategy includes synaptic pliancy and neuromodulation, a for the most part synthetic impact wherein reward synapses, for example, dopamine or serotonin influence the terminating affectability of a neuron to be sharper. The robot utilized in the examination satisfactorily coordinated with the conduct of animal dwelling place owls. Furthermore, the nearby communication between engine yield and hear-able input end up being crucial in the learning cycle, supporting dynamic detecting hypotheses that are engaged with a considerable lot of the learning models. 

Neurorobotics in these investigations are given basic labyrinths or examples to learn. A portion of the issues introduced to the neurorobotics incorporate acknowledgment of images, colors, or different examples and execute straightforward activities dependent on the example. On account of the outbuilding owl recreation, the robot needed to decide its area and course to explore in its current circumstance.

Activity determination and worth frameworks 

Activity determination contemplates managing negative or positive weighting to activity and its result. Neurorobotics can and have been utilized to consider *simple* moral connections, for example, the traditional psychological test where there are a larger number of individuals than a day-to-day existence pontoon can hold, and somebody should leave the boat to save the rest. In any case, more neurorobotics utilized in the investigation of activity determination battle with a lot more straightforward influences like self-protection or propagation of the number of inhabitants in robots in the examination. 

These neurorobotics are designed according to the neuromodulation of neurotransmitters to support circuits with positive results. Inorganic frameworks, synapses, for example, dopamine or acetylcholine emphatically build up neural signs that are gainful. One investigation of such communication included the robot Darwin VII, which utilized visual, hear-able, and a mimicked taste contribution to "eat" conductive metal squares. 

The subjectively picked great squares had a striped example on them while the terrible squares had a round shape on them. The taste sense was mimicked by the conductivity of the squares. The robot had positive and negative criticisms of the taste dependent on its degree of conductivity. The specialists noticed the robot to perceive how it took in its activity choice practices dependent on the data sources it had. Other investigations have utilized groups of little robots which feed on batteries tossed about the room and convey their discoveries to other robots.

Sensorimotor Coordination 

Vertebrates are fit for refined developments that require complex sensorimotor coordination. Appropriate sensorimotor coordination is fundamental for creatures and robots: any engine activity should be guided by insight, and discernment is regularly a functioning cycle that includes engine activities 57, 58. Over 50 years prior, Held and Hein concocted a shrewd test showing the significance of engine activities on the advancement of the sensory system: they brought two little cats up in a finished field where the gross development of an unreservedly moving cat was communicated to a subsequent cat carried on a gondola forestalling contact among feet and ground, so they were both presented to a similar visual climate, however, just one cat got visual incitement straightforwardly created by its own movement. 

At the point when tried external the gondola, the unreservedly moving cat showed ordinary practices in a few outwardly guided errands, while the other cat fizzled or performed inadequately. 

The creators inferred that related discernment and engine activities are fundamental for typical conduct advancement, yet couldn't exactly clarify the mechanical reason. Suzuki, Floreano, and Di Paolo reproduced those investigations with wheeled robots furnished with a container slant camera and a neural organization with Hebbian pliancy (a sort of discovering that includes fortifying neurotransmitters between co-initiated neurons) connecting the visual contribution to the engine orders of the camera and of the wheels. 

Requirements on body developments influenced the advancement of visual open fields, which got receptive to tangible highlights that were connected with the obliged conduct and meddled with the creation of typical conduct. This gives clarification to the social lacks of the suspended little cat. 

Another intriguing illustration of sensorimotor coordination is offered by electric fishes, which effectively transmit electric heartbeats and which can detect articles and living creatures by estimating changes in the electric fields encompassing their electrosensitive skins. 

The dark apparition knife fish, for example, utilizes electric sense along with a lace blade that offers high mobility. Utilizing reenactments and a mechanical strip blade model that can drive itself in a stream tank, MacIver and associates gave proof that the detecting and movement capacities are all around coordinated. Specifically, utilizing the ideal control hypothesis they showed that run of the mill swimming moves saw in the fish are basically the same as those produced by the model while limiting an expense work that approximates metabolic exertion, and that they are composed to the tactile capacities of the fish by expanding the amount and goal of tangible inflow. Related work utilizing planar or swimming robots has since effectively utilized electrolocation for confining items and staying away from obstructions 62, 63. 

Development Planning and Imitation 

In the two creatures and robots, the inquiry emerges of how developments are arranged. For a specific development objective, there is typically an endless number of approaches to enlist an exceptionally excess engine framework in reality to accomplish the objective, i.e., the potential mixes of muscles and the assortment of directions to accomplish an objective is incalculable. By the by, as verified in early work on computational engine control 95, 96, human and non-human primates utilize rather cliché approaches to move, demonstrating that there are some central and regular standards of development age. 

As referenced above, advancement standards were one way to deal with the search for a getting sorted out guideline, and improvement is as yet a famous theme in computational engine control. Stochastic ideal control, i.e., ideal control that considers irregular impacts, turned into a noticeable hypothesis of development age when the new century rolled over, where the development plan and the time-subordinate suitable criticism regulator were processed together, which can likewise address impedance control. 

While complex to process, ideal control gave intriguing clarifications of trial information 98, 99 and propelled numerous different examinations 99, 100. The restored accomplishment of ideal control as a neuroscientific model of primate development additionally affected the mechanical technology writing, where numerous new aftereffects of full-body human engine control were gotten from related ideal control speculations 101, 102, 103. It ought to be noticed that the capacity to tackle complex improvement issues on ordinary personal computers contributed fundamentally to the restored accomplishment of ideal control speculations, other than a few algorithmic advances.

 In a new robot rivalry (DARPA Robotics Challenge), where human-like robots needed to take care of a few issues of a fiasco situation, ideal control ways to deal with full-body movement age were the standard instead of the exemption.

Another window into development arranging has been the quest for general development natives. Development natives are groupings of activity that achieve a total objective coordinated conduct, for example, 'getting a handle on a cup', 'strolling', 'a tennis serve', and so on This coding brings about a minimized state-activity portrayal where a couple of boundaries should be adapted to a particular objective. For example, in arriving at developments, the objective state and development term are such boundaries, or in a cadenced development, recurrence and abundancy should be determined.

 Utilizing such natives significantly diminishes the number of boundaries that should be learned for a specific development. The disadvantage is that the conceivable development collection turns out to be more limited. 

Various ways to deal with development natives have been proposed previously. For example, planar directions in the end effector space have been recommended for human engine control, however, some automated examinations and hypothetical investigations limited this thought as an ancient rarity of the human arm kinematics. 

A comparable robot examination limited the recommendation that in human arm development, development speed is coupled by a force law to development ebb and flow. Ijspeert et al. progressed the hypothesis of dynamic development natives, for example, the utilization of nonlinear attractor frameworks to create development plans, comparative as in focal example generators. Basically, a powerful development crude recommends the following engine order to get to the objective for certain differential conditions, and, because of the attractor elements, it can heartily understand the development plan in any event, when there are aggravations from the climate. 

Dynamic development natives can represent information from primate engine control, they roused imaging studies to investigate the distinction among discrete and period development in the human cerebrum dependent on the contrast between point attractors and cutoff cycle attractors, and, with varieties, got well known in automated examinations  105, 111, 112. Dynamic development natives might be a model where speculations from neuroscience, social sciences, and mechanical technology figured out how to equally impact one another and advance every one of the related fields. 

Biological robots 

Organic robots are not formally neurorobotics in that they are not neurologically motivated AI frameworks, yet genuine neuron tissue is wired to a robot. This utilizes the utilization of refined neural organizations to examine mental health or neural cooperation. 

These ordinarily comprise a neural culture raised on a multielectrode cluster (MEA), which is fit for both chronicles the neural action and animating the tissue. At times, the MEA is associated with a PC which presents a reenacted climate to the mind tissue and makes an interpretation of cerebrum movement into activities in the recreation, just as giving tactile feedback. The capacity to record neural action gives scientists a window into a mind, though basic, which they can use to find out about some of the similar issues neurorobotics are utilized for. 

A space of worry with the natural robots is morals. Numerous inquiries are raised about how to treat such tests. Apparently, the main inquiry is that of cognizance and whether the rodent mind encounters it. This conversation reduces to the numerous speculations of what awareness is 

Implications for neuroscience 

Neuroscientists profit from neurorobotics because it gives a clean canvas to test different potential techniques for cerebrum work in a controlled and testable climate. Moreover, while the robots are more improved on adaptations of the frameworks they copy, they are more explicit, permitting more straightforward testing of the issue at hand. 

They likewise have the advantage of being open consistently, while it is considerably more hard to screen even enormous bits of a mind while the creature is dynamic, not to mention singular neurons. 

With the subject of neuroscience developing as it has, various neural medicines have arisen, from drugs to neural rehabilitation. Progress is reliant upon a many-sided comprehension of the mind and how precisely its capacities. It is hard to examine the mind, particularly in people because of the peril related to cranial medical procedures. Subsequently, the utilization of innovation to make up for the shortfall of testable subjects is imperative. Neurorobotics achieve precisely this, improving the scope of tests and examinations that can be acted in the investigation of neural cycles. 


Cerebrums have co-developed with bodies to deliver unmistakable impacts in the actual world by interceding the constant circle among detecting and activity that characterizes the achievement or disappointment of clever life. Understanding the cerebrum subsequently requires understanding the conduct impacts of its circuits and cycles when they associate with the climate through an actual body.

 In this audit, we have shown that robots and mechanical speculations have been utilized in neuroscience to evaluate a theory by making an interpretation of it into an operational instrument in a robot and noticing its conduct; look at elective theories against their social result (refine information), and propose a novel theory that expands on exemplification or situatedness of the framework (create new information). 

Essentially, robots that must self-sufficiently work in halfway obscure and evolving conditions, as living frameworks do, can profit by consolidating standards of neuroscience since it is difficult to pre-program such robots for all conceivable tactile engine designs that they will experience during their operational life. In this survey, we have shown that neuroscience can assist advanced mechanics with conceiving novel detecting and activation gadgets that work on the control issue by expanding strength, adaptability, and flexibility. 

It can additionally help create straightforward but hearty calculations that successfully map tactile data into engine orders in a wide assortment of ecological circumstances and add learning abilities to adjust to changing circumstances or fuse new tangible engine information. 

In any case, just 'indiscriminately' carrying out organically enlivened conduct in a robot may not give any experiences into science nor original thoughts for mechanical technology. Likewise, applying hypothetical and algorithmic information from mechanical technology to organic demonstrating might not have any legitimate application to getting cerebrums. Best activities had reasonable emphasis among neuroscience and advanced mechanics until the correct inquiries were posed, acceptable techniques were formulated, lastly, convincing outcomes could be acquired. 

David Marr's key speculation as far as a hypothesis, calculations and execution may stay a helpful core value: hypothesis could be divided among neuroscience and advanced mechanics, calculations might be comparable, while executions are normally very extraordinary because of various equipment. Richard Feynman's statement of "What I can't construct, I can't comprehend." is the embodiment of the communication of neuroscience and advanced mechanics, as, eventually, natural and automated frameworks need to manage generally comparative material science and comparable conditions.

People are fascinated by robots because they're machines that can mimic life.
-Colin Angle

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